Mon, 29 May 2017
Pipes and PT are back. They dust off their microphones to discuss the pros and cons of DIY, tips for buying and selling used gear, and Pipes's new guitar. Plus, a new game called Guicar. Bliss on! |
Sat, 30 November 2013
Well, this is it folks. The exciting conclusion to the last Six String Bliss show. Over a dozen listeners talk about what the bliss has meant to them over the years. There's even a little guitar talk in there for old time sake. |
Tue, 29 October 2013
Pipes and PT remember the Bliss. |
Mon, 9 January 2012
Hosted by Clint Searcy, In The Meantime is intended to be an interim show released in between regular Six String Bliss Episodes. Instead of a long conversation between friends about guitars In The Meantime will be short segments that revolve largely around the Six String Bliss community that has been established over the last six years. The pilot episode includes an interview with Eric Sardinas and the very first "This Guitar" segment featuring a key member of the Bliss. The outro reaches back into the BlissStock live audio and is a real treat. If the concept is well liked there are plans to release an episode every month; enjoy! |
Wed, 21 December 2011
It's a Christmas miracle! The lost and all but forgotten installment #9 of the Retro Zone episodes with host Clint Searcy and featuring an interview with Blissner Chris Waet was found under the seat of Santa's sleigh. Happy Holidays to all and enjoy! |
Mon, 25 October 2010
It's here at last! The highly anticipated Trans Genred album project makes it's debut on the airwaves. Pipes, PT, and Pappy turn over hosting duties to Bliss Army General Alicia Searcy and the Bliss' Black Ops Specialist Clint Searcy for almost two hours worth of music and commentary. This project, with eighteen songs from nine countries, breaks all kinds of records for SSB albums and is sure to have Blissners talking about the contributions for some time to come! Listren to the podcast today and be sure to download your copy of the album beginning 10/26/10 at
Mon, 2 August 2010
Larry sits down with Joe of Blackbird Guitars to discuss how carbon fiber is used to make travel guitars you'll want to stay home with and much more! Plus, rock bios and album picks. |
Tue, 27 July 2010
The guys share some tales from the week. Pipes has trouble with Paypal and PT tries to tweet Pappy into Twitter. Pappy reviews the Castiv Guitar Sidekick for mounting an electronic devise on your guitar: Pappy then tackles Amplitube iRig for the iPhone and iPad. Hear about what Pappy calls 'the perfect guitar app'. If you had $500 to create your dream guitar, how close could you come? How far could you stretch the money? Pipes, PT and Pappy all try their hands at building imaginary $500 guitars. PT, Pappy and Pipes all suggest an album you should check out: PT's Pick: The Monitor by Titus Andronicus Pappy's Pick(s): Boys and Girls in America by The Hold Steady and Survival Story by the Flobots Pipes' Pick: We Don't Stand a Chance by AM Taxi GoW: Greg Brown Pipes is intrigued by a Paper Guitar thingie: Pipes launches a new website: Bliss Army track of the week: Empathy by Neil McDougall Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Mon, 19 July 2010
We all have tons of guitar related accessories, tools and paraphalia, but what do you need to bring to your next gig? Guitar tech extraordinaire Gavin Downie is here with the answers. Plus Pappy reviews the Flatline Vistaglide Custom. |
Tue, 13 July 2010
It's album of the month time, and we are doing it rockabilly style! Join Pipes, Pappy and Skinny Jim for a rocking discussion of the album Horsepower! Horsepower! Hear about his album and his hamburger. Check out Skinny Jim and buy the album at Bliss Army track of the week: Dream a Little Dream of Me by Dave Macloud Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Tue, 6 July 2010
Episode 194: Choose Your Own Adventure Pappy creates the perfect storm. The Bliss unveils the new PT quizes Pipes and Pappy on Bliss history. The Three Ps share their dream careers in the guitar/music industry. Will they dream big or will they go home? Pappy bullies PT into reading Fretboard Journel. How can you overcome GAS? And should you even try? The boys tackle this and more in a topic all about gear lust. Bliss Army Track of the Week: Bob 'meandthecomets' Long [mp3player width=350 height=100 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=] Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Mon, 28 June 2010
Break out the bowling shirts and the pomade, cause it’s an entire episode all about Gretsch! We talk to Joe Carducci of Gretsch, explore the history of the company and feature TWO Gretsch-playing GoWs. Episode 193: The Gretsch Episode PT joins the South. Pappy and PT begin this episode-long celebration of Gretsch guitars. PT mispronounces pomade multiple times. GoW #1: Eddie Cochran Pappy gives a little rundown of the history of Gretsch. Joe Carducci of Gretsch Guitars stops by to talk about the current state of Gretsch Guitars and what is coming in the future. Get the inside scoop on all things Gretsch and some great stories. PT shares the details of his recent trip to Dave’s Guitar Shop to check out some Gretsches… though he doesn’t have enough details for Pappy. Pappy shares the Gretsches he is currently lusting after. GoW #2: Reverend Horton Heat The guys also announce the theme of the next 6SB Album… Genre Benders. Further details to be announced in the coming weeks. Bliss Army Outro Track: I Hate Myself for Loving You by Jan ‘JMan’ Buchholz and Stelios A Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749 |
Mon, 21 June 2010
Episode 192: The Case of the Singing Host Pipes wakes up the neighbors. Six String-Bliss is featured in Premier Guitar: Pappy wrote a song… and he is here to perform it! Pappy unveils a new design on The boys enjoy a little Summer NAMM discussion. GoW: Steve Morse Guitar News from Neil Young album adapted into Graphic Novel Blues Brothers endorsed by the Vatican Bliss Army Outro Track F. Cotton's Shenanigan's by Triangle Exception
Sun, 13 June 2010
Pipes takes some crap from PT. Pappy gets famous. PT drops his ipod in a treadmill. PT wants a Gretch. Pipes complains about Gretches. The Bliss pays tribute to some fallen guitar podcasts. Pipes and PT butt heads yet again. PT reviews two instructional DVDs from Rockabilly Electric Guitar by Paul Pigot Making Connections in Open Tunings by Martin Simpson Check out their 50% off sale through June 19th for some KILLER deals! GoW: Danny Whitten of Crazy Horse
Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Mon, 7 June 2010
Episode 190: Shanghai 64/1 Amp Review
Pipes welcomes the ToneFreq podcast to the world of guitar podcasting.
Pappy supports the debut album by Mighty Atomics.
Pipes rocks out the tube amps.
Pappy reviews the Shanghai 64/1 tube amp.
Pipes loves the History Channel… or does he?
Retro Rag: Guitar One from January 2002
Guitar News from Guitars for Rent on Cruises Man strikes cousin with guitar Ronnie Montrose sues Gary Moore
Guitarist of the Week: Nick 13 of Tiger Army
Bliss Army track of the week: Big Sky by Matt Stevens
Wed, 2 June 2010
Pipes, PT and Pappy take on questions from the listeners and get a few listeners on the phone for live questions. This is what community is all about! |
Wed, 26 May 2010
Episode 188: Interview with Peter Solomon of XOX Audio Tools Pappy gets a new amp. PT has a bad gig. Larry presents Boutique Bliss, a new segment tackling cutting edge guitars and guitar builders. This time he interviews Peter Solomon of XOX Audio Tools. Guitar News from Jeff Beck Finishes Album with Three Fingers. Dio’s Funeral Picketed. The Bliss Releases an Album. Pappy hates Strats and has a cute daughter. Submit your questions at 10pm EST Saturday May 29th for the Six-String Bliss ‘Live’ episode for your chance to win a Skinny Jim and the Number 9 Blacktops CD. Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Thu, 20 May 2010
It’s time for What the Fuzz, a Six-String Bliss album dedicated to this year’s favorite effect. Join PT, Clint and Alicia Searcy and the Six-String Bliss community for a tour of the tunes, and then head over to to download the album in all its glory!
Tue, 18 May 2010
Episode 186: Going Crazy!
Pipes lives out his roadie dreams. PT heads to Nashville. Pappy heads to Indiana. Guitarist of the Week: Brett McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords Pipes wants to see how you Bliss. PT drops off the episode and Pappy and Pipes proceed to make fun of his hobbies. Pipes has a book to not recommend. Guitar technology amazes Pappy. Pappy has a short review of the ProTone Monster Fuzz. Pipes digs out a Retro Rag with the February 1997 Guitar School. This week in guitar news from RIP Ronnie James Dio A Bird, A Fight, A Broken Guitar Bliss Army Track of the Week: Crazy by Joe Fry
Wed, 12 May 2010
The Bliss family needs your help! Cruise over the and click the Donate button to help our friends, the Searcys in their floor relief efforts.
Plus, PT has a guitar story about the Brutal Honesty of recording. |
Tue, 4 May 2010
Pappy and Pipes review the Tavo Vega Brain Seltzer Nocturne and then the guys interview Tavo himself! Plus PT joins in for plenty of old school Six String Bliss! |
Wed, 28 April 2010
Revisit the Florida Newport Guitar Festival with interviews from McKnight Guitars, Ken Parker Archtops, and Muriel Anderson & Tierra Negra. Henrik Andersen provides us with an amazing closing track for the second installment of Larry Smith's coverage! |
Mon, 26 April 2010
This week the guys celebrate the one year anniversary of Guitar News Daily! Steve Benford brings us a review of the Gene Simmons bass by Cort as well as playing us out Big Screen Bliss style! |
Tue, 20 April 2010
Larry Smith covers the Florida Newport Guitar Festival for the Bliss! In Part One of the Festival coverage hosted by Clint Searcy Larry talks to Andy Wahlburg, Henrik Andersen, Julius Borges, and Linda Manzer. Muriel Anderson and Tierra Negra play us out of this very special episodel |
Sun, 11 April 2010
Episode 180: Orange Crush Amp Review Pappy reviews the Orange Crush 35LDX amp and PT reviews a Joan Jett book. Pappy wants a Jazzmaster Pipes is sassy. PT gets ready for a gig. Pappy reviews the Orange Crush PiX 35LDX. Check out this cool gateway drug into the Orange line. Plus check out Pappy’s written review at PT discusses the new book Joan Jett by Todd Oldham from Ammo Books. Check it out! Guitar News from Gary Hoey tours with Jeff Beck T.V. Jones’ gear stolen! Punk Legend Dies Pipes brings Guitar One into the Retro Rag fold with the July 2004 issue. GoW: J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr Bliss Army Track: Instrumental Madness by Scott Frein Discuss the episode on the forum, email us or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Tue, 6 April 2010
Episode 179: Taylor 614ce Review PT reviews the Taylor 614ce. See what he thinks of this beautiful acoustic. Plus, the guys talk Misfits, iPhone apps and much more! PT has no stage presence. Pappy builds the Bliss audience. PT tries to build his street cred by listening to the Misfits. GoW: Doyle von Wolfgang Frankenstein PT reviews the Taylor 614ce. See what he thinks of this beautiful acoustic. PT and Pappy enter imaginary land and talk about their dream guitar-related apps. Guitar News from More Woes for Gibson Man Braves Fire to Rescue Mice Bliss Army Outro track: Zombies 15b by Jacques Doucette Discuss the episode on the forum, email us or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Tue, 30 March 2010
Episode 178: Under the Influence All three guys are here to count down their top 5 personally most influential guitar albums. Plus, the final segment of the Amplitube 3 review. Pipes realizes why people listen to the Bliss. Pappy is the ‘hot host’. PT hearts the Guitar Shop Podcast. In part 3 of the Amplitube 3 review, PT takes a look at the layout and presets and gives his final thoughts on this product. Pipes, Pappy and PT countdown the five albums that they feel were the most personally influential in their development as musicians. Guitar News presented by Dave Grohl hospitalized by coffee overdose. John 5 to release new album. Fender releases new Standard American Stratocaster. GoW: Francis Rossi of Status Quo Bliss Army Track: Profiteering by Clint Searcy!
Mon, 22 March 2010
Episode 177: The PT/Pappy Combo In this episode, our new host makes his sophomore appearance alongside PT. Pappy brings with him a review of the Garage Band Artist Lessons. Plus guitar news, GoW, Retro Rag and the winner of the Voicemail Jingle contest is revealed. PT puts Pappy through the ringer with another set of questions. Pappy takes look at a cool perk in his new Mac… Garage Band Artist Lessons. Guitar News presented by Tele Twitter iPhone Midi Fun PT takes us back to August 1996 for this week’s Retro Rag. The winner of the Voicemail Jingle Contest is announced! Congrats! Joe Geek leaves a nice email. GoW: Jason Mraz Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Tue, 16 March 2010
PT takes off for sunny Florida to miss one week and Pipes goes out and finds a new co-host. We are not talking a one episode deal either, a full-fledged new Bliss co-host! Together this mystery man and Pipes take some time to help out one of the guitar worlds biggest CEO's. Don't worry PT does stop by to bring you the awaited Part 2 of his Amplitube 3 Review. |
Sun, 7 March 2010
Episode 175: Amplitube 3 Review! Amplitube 3 is here and we couldn’t be any more excited. This week, PT takes a look at the amps of Amplitube 3. Plus, listener feedback, Guitar News and Guitarist of the Week. Amplitube 3 review. Is it aces or a waste of disk space? Find out here! Chris continues the tone discussion. A nice email from a John Mayer fan. Guitar News presented by Gibson releases iPhone app. Prince’s new song on PT’s favorite radio station. Feedback on last week’s guitar talk. Gow: Vince Gill Bliss Army Outro Doll’s House 2 by Matt Stevens Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Sun, 28 February 2010
Episode 174: Guitar Profiling Snap judgements based on a guitarist’s gear. We all make them. No use denying it, so let’s tackle it head on! Plus Clint Searcy reviews the MRX Blue Box fuzz pedal! Pipes is ‘between jobs. PT discovers Tape Op magazine. Pipes and PT taking about judging a guitarist by their gear. What do you think you are going to hear when a guitarist pulls out a certain guitar? Or what gear would make you cringe? It’s time to get un-politically correct and bare our gear-biased souls! Alfie’s guitar pedals get taught to impressionable youth in the US. Clint Searcy is back with another one of his awesome reviews!!! This time, he plays homage to the year of the fuzz by reviewing the MXR Blue Box. Guitar News presented by Moody’s Lower Gibson’s Rating The Disposable Guitar?!? Pipes digs into the depths of his bathroom bookshelf for another installment of Retro Rags. Guitarist of the Week: John Mayer Bliss Army Track: Crazy by Joe Fry Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749.
Tue, 23 February 2010
Episode 173: Interview with Bassimer Inventor John Shelton! |
Sun, 14 February 2010
Pipes and PT talk about non-traditional guitars, both in terms of built in effects and non-traditional materials. Plus Retro Rag, Guitarist of the Week and PT breaks some gear live on air! Pipes wheels and deals on Craig’s List. PT considers updating his acoustic. The listeners unite to try and fool the Google Voice voice-to-text translation. Guitar News presented by Saint Blues introduces the electric washboard. Jeff Beck to release first new album in 7 years. Pipes features the February 2001 Guitar World in this week’s Retro Rag segment. PT discusses guitars with built in effects and Pipes talks about guitars made from non-traditional materials. Also, PT breaks stuff and then sounds really bad. Guitarist of the Week: Matthew Bellamy of Muse Bliss Army Track: Rogue by Wednesday Heroes Discuss the episode on the forum, email us or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Mon, 8 February 2010
Pipes and PT sit down to try out the 18-watt wonder from Satellite Amplifiers. Plus, Retro Rag, Guitarist of the Week and more! The boys dissect the Who’s Super Bowl performance. Pipes and PT announce that 2010 will be the year of the… fuzz! Not only that, but a new Bliss Community Album has been proposed, based around that very effect. Guitar News presented by Willie Nelson Moonshine Bust Paul Simon Impersonator Arrested and Much More! Calls to the new voicemail line this week and Pipes and PT are sharing them. Join in the fun by calling (815) 570-9749 Pipes and PT sit down to try out the 18-watt wonder from Satellite Amplifiers, the Neutron. See how Pipes defines tone… PT pulls out an early 1998 issue of Guitar magazine for a trip down memory lane and a Gear IQ quiz. Guitarist of the Week: Paul Westerberg Bliss Army Outro: My Wasted Youth by My Sister’s Diary Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749. |
Mon, 25 January 2010
Pipes and PT are back! And they have three months worth of guitar talk to spew into your ears!
Sun, 17 January 2010
This is it - the last Retro Zone Episode - and it's super-sized for your maximum listening pleasure! We're treated to an original song by PT, GOW Joe Satriani, and Pipes inaugurates the Bliss' quintessential signout. Plus an in-depth interview with JMan, mystery riff, and just a little backstory on Clint and Alicia. We serve up extra helping of tunes as well with tracks by Alfie Llanos, JMan and PT, Drive Choir, and Clint Searcy himself.
Mon, 11 January 2010
All about NAMM! Pipes and PT give us the lowdown on all of the latest products at NAMM and announce the debut of Clint gives us a few news headlines and Dave Macloud shakes us out of the winter blues with the outro song!
Mon, 4 January 2010
It's all about effects this time as Pipes and PT talk about pedals and the high-tech war, wondering what makes a good effects pedal and what will the effects rig of tomorrow look like? George Harrison is this week's GOW, Clint debuts a track from Panic Disorder and Larry Smith's Karma Generator plays us out.
Mon, 21 December 2009
Pipes and PT answer some listener e-mail and unveil the Six String Bliss forum. Keb Mo is this week's GOW, Stelios provides a listener submitted track, plus Guitar News Daily headlines, mystery riff, and holiday outro by Mark McGuigan.
Merry Blissmas everybody! |
Mon, 14 December 2009
In this episode we learn the truth about online tab and Pipes and PT discuss string changes and the finer points of shaving. Stelios treats us to his musical stylings, Clint offers up this week's mystery riff, and Pipes plays us out with a beautiful Christmas song.
Mon, 7 December 2009
We're halfway through the lost episodes with Pipes and PT! Listen to the new opening track by Lyden Moon, learn about guitar hygiene, and hear Pipes, PT, Clint, and Alicia's picks for Top 5 Guitar Movies. The outro comes to us courtesy of Clint - and stick around til the end for a few bloopers!
Mon, 30 November 2009
Pipes and PT discuss sound cards, introduce a DIY segment, and name their top 5 underrated guitarists. Clint and Alicia pay tribute to PT's number one underrated axeman - and the end of the show is all about girl power!
Mon, 23 November 2009
Pipes and PT discuss traveling with your guitar, Christmas gift-buying guide for guitarists, and their top 5 Christmas Albums. The holiday-themed outros are kicked off by a song from one of our hosts!
Mon, 16 November 2009
Let there be rock! Pipes and PT talk with Doug Marks in the Bliss' inaugural interview and acknowledge GOW Heavy Metal God Tony Iommi. Clint and Alicia remember Ed's Guitars and JMan plays us out Rammstein style!
Mon, 9 November 2009
Pipes and PT discuss their favorite guitar shops, play twenty questions, and give a nod to GOW Mark Knopfler in this Retro Zone Episode. Stay tuned until the end to hear a new outro track courtesy of Dave Macleod!
Mon, 2 November 2009
What?!?! Is this 2009 or 2005? It's the re-release of episode 1 of Six-String Bliss, hosted by Clint Searcy. Listen in and bliss out on the nostalgia! |
Tue, 27 October 2009
Tue, 20 October 2009
Episode 168: The Birth of a Bliss Nation
Pipes and PT chat about guitar, delve into the news and reveal more about the future of the Bliss.
Pipes loses a phone and digs through the trash.
PT pays to play.
Guitar News from
Rontrose leaves the Supersuckers!
Sir Paul does some charity.
The Crue releases their Greatest Hits. Finally!
Zakk to play wrassling show.
Keith Urban rocks the live guitar lesson.
Pipes and PT give more info on their hiatus, the upcoming Halloween album and how you can help the boys Bliss On.
Discuss the episode on the forum or email us at
Tue, 6 October 2009
Pipes and PT take a look at Gibson’s new Strat, some bizarre guitar crime and a shocking announcement about the future of the Bliss.
Thu, 24 September 2009
Pipes and PT tackle the topic of Guitar Shops that put on events to draw in shoppers. The boys discuss what they’ve seen, heard about and what we would like to see. It’s a meaty discussion that gets into the philosophies behind guitar shops. Plus, guitar news!
Tue, 8 September 2009
Episode 165: Mailbag!
The boys question the greater meaning of Labor Day and dig into the mailbag to share some listener feedback. Plus, guitar news, a double-shot of guitarist of the week and more!
The first Reviews for Vets auction is up on eBay for the Peterson StroboStomp 2. Check it out!
PT and Pipes give a shout out to the great music podcast, Nafarious Bovie Radio.
Pipes and PT dig into the mailbag…
A great email from a German guitar podcast.
A listener email fueled guitar news controversy!
A mysterious bonus feature on Freaky Friday…
Guitar News from
Robert Cray Gets a Computer
Vai gets a Degree
Smashed Guitar Leads to Charity
Guitar Crime from Ireland
The Halloween Album deadline is looming, so get those submissions in!
Deadline Midnight, October 17th, 2009.
Guitarist(s) of the Week:
J.D. Cronise and Kyle Shutt of The Sword
Bliss Army track is by Nashville’s own Clint Searcy… Godzilla!
Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at
Tue, 1 September 2009
Episode 164: Reviews for Vets, and other Adventures
Pipes and PT, along with Petersen Tuners, present a new segment that could help you get some cool gear and help a great cause. Plus the boys dissect their recent gig with Wednesday Heroes at a Chicago street festival.
Pipes, PT and special guest Greg send in a field report from a live gig at a Chicago street fest. The gig was a blast and some video can be found at:
PT tries to lure Pipes into the world of fantasy football…
Guitar News from
Oasis guitar smashing drama!
Free Les Paul download.
Bad, bad buskers…
Guitar ensemble record broken… again.
Slash could have a new guitar student.
Aerosmith questions their future.
Pipes and PT present a new segment that could help you get some cool gear and help a great cause. In this first installment of Reviews for Vets, Pipes reviews a review of the Peterson Strobostomp 2.0.
The Bliss Army outro track is a moving rendition of Jane Says by Snoozy and Monk.
Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 206-203-3738.
Thu, 20 August 2009
Episode 163: Interview with Steve Vai!
Sun, 9 August 2009
Episode 162: Glad to Be Here
Pipes, PT and special guest Larry dissect Ron Bumblefoot Thal’s 2008 album Abnormal.
Guitar News from
Cobain Statue Ignites Controversy.
Van Smashed into Guitar Repair Shop.
Guitars in Hotel Rooms!
Pipes and PT share some tips for picking up gear at a great price. Being flexible and open to new companies and sounds is key!
Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 206-203-3738.
Mon, 27 July 2009
Clint and Alicia Searcy 'jack the Bliss for this special Summer NAMM 2009 "House of Zog South" episode. Get a feel for what it's like at Music City's version of NAMM, including literally bumping into this week's GoW!
Mon, 20 July 2009
Pipes and PT discuss recent developments in life and how their guitar playing has been affected. Plus, GoW Zakk Wylde.
Wed, 8 July 2009
Could you learn a new genre of guitar in two weeks? If you had to, how would you go about learning a completely new style? Pipes and PT lay down some tips for picking up a new genre.
Thu, 2 July 2009
Would you rather be in a good band you can’t stand or a crummy band you love? If you found a winning group, would you comprise your vision or split over creative differences? Pipes and PT take a look at these and other quandaries that face those who attempt to survive in band.
Thu, 25 June 2009
Greg Kot, host of the radio show Sound Opinions and music critic for the Chicago Tribune, joins us to discuss innovation, the future of the musician and his book Ripped.
Mon, 15 June 2009
Mike Gallagher of the metal band Isis comes on the Bliss to discuss touring, his new album and writing great metal.
Mon, 8 June 2009
Pipes and PT celebrate Four String Bliss with legendary bassist Les Claypool. Les talks about his new album, his instruments and Sir George Martin.
-- posted at: 11:03pm EST
Mon, 8 June 2009
Pipes and PT celebrate Four String Bliss with legendary bassist Les Claypool. Les talks about his new album, his instruments and Sir George Martin.
Wed, 3 June 2009
The boys dissect PT’s recent live playing experience and they tackle the classic AC/DC album, Let There Be Rock!
Wed, 27 May 2009
When is an album more than just a collection of songs? When it’s a concept album! Pipes and PT countdown their top 5 concept albums. Plus, a Flanger review, and new JMan track and much more!
Mon, 18 May 2009
Danelectros are fascinating guitars. From the Amp Cases to the Longhorns, it’s hard not to love these vintage jems. Author Doug Tulloch joins Pipes and PT to discuss all things Dano and talk about his book on the subject, Neptune Bound.
Mon, 11 May 2009
Pipes and PT celebrate the completion of 150 episodes by hosting an interview with themselves! Pappy of the Fifth Fret blog hosts the interview. Learn more than you ever wanted to know about these guys.
Tue, 5 May 2009
It has been 150 episodes and we have covered many topics. In an effort to one up ourselves, we cover 150 things in one episode.
Tue, 28 April 2009
Steve Benford joins Pipes and PT to discuss scale length, Guitars For Vets and what’s new in the world of Benford guitars.
Mon, 20 April 2009
From King Crimson to the Bears to the Adrian Belew Trio, few men have expanded the sonic boundries of the guitar as much as Adrian Belew. He stops by the Bliss to talk about experimentation, Nine Inch Nails and his new Parker Fly.
Tue, 14 April 2009
Is your gear safe? And what will you do if it is stolen? Bryan from stops by to talk about his site, his philosophy and protecting your gear. Plus Six-String Bliss is proud to launch our sister-site,
Tue, 7 April 2009
It’s album of the month time! This time Pipes and PT take on listener Chris’s suggestion of Van Halen’s Fair Warning. Plus, tons of listener email and guitar news!
Tue, 31 March 2009
Pipes sinks his teeth into the Satellite Atom in House of Zog Studios East. Check out his take on the amp, then check out the amp yourself at
Tue, 24 March 2009
Supersuckers guitarist Rontrose stops by to talk amps, touring and the new album. You do not want to miss this one!
Tue, 17 March 2009
In honor of the release of Big Screen Bliss, Pipes and PT review two guitar documentaries Fuzz: The Sound That Revolutionized the World and Solidbodies: The 50 Year Guitar War. Plus, a pedal review, guitar news and more! |
Mon, 9 March 2009
The tracks are in, and it is time to hear what your fellow listeners have put together for the next great Six-String Bliss album, Big Screen Bliss. So turn your home theaters up to eleven, because it is time to go to the movies.
Mon, 2 March 2009
Tim and Erik of the Midwest metal band Orwell stop by to talk about playing hard, writing music and how to help yourself get a second gig at any venue. If you like your metal heavy, you’ll want to hear what the boys from Orwell have say.
Tue, 24 February 2009
Pipes and PT have a conversation with Adam, owner and designer of Satellite Amps. Find out why the west coast is buzzing over these surprisingly affordable tone machines.
Clint Searcy checks in with some deep thoughts on tone. And he knows tone!
Guitar News:
Vague guitar theft:
Who leaked U2’s album? Who do you think?
Apple wants to give you guitar lessons:
Wanna jam with Derek Trucks?
Homeless guitarist sparks Pipes’ imagination:
PT stresses about his Big Screen Bliss song.
Pipes stresses about Hulu.
Bill Frisell (selected by Snoozy)
Mon, 16 February 2009
Once you’ve heard his music or seen him live, you will never think of a Dobro the same way again. Pipes sits down backstage with the force of nature that is Eric Sardinas. Plus, guitar news, GoW and another listener submitted lesson!
Wed, 11 February 2009
Call it gear lust or call it GAS. Every guitarist has experienced that urgent need for a new piece of gear. But why do we love gear so much? And is it healthy? Plus, GoW, Guitar News and a lesson!
Wed, 4 February 2009
Ernest McLean has played on essential Jazz, Swing and Rock and Roll records. Now he spends his day playing for visitors to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Each day, hundreds hear his music without realizing they are listening to a founding father of rock and roll. We sat down with him to bring you his story.
Wed, 28 January 2009
Pipes and PT are back from NAMM, and they’ve brought audio! An interview with Dean Zelinsky, a Steve Vai press conference and corrections, corrections, corrections!
Mon, 19 January 2009
The final day of NAMM has arrived and Pipes, PT and Snoozy sit down at the roundtable one last time to deliver their Best in Show awards. Listen in to learn about the gear you will be lusting after in 2009.
Sat, 17 January 2009
The sweetness of NAMM continues. Snoozy, PT and Pipes explore the booths of Carr, Taylor, Gibson, XOX, DBZ and much more.
Fri, 16 January 2009
Pipes, PT and special correspondent Snoozy lay it down in a raw, low-fi and unedited roundtable on their thoughts on the first day of NAMM. Find out the lastest from Orange, Saint Blues, Peavey and much more.
Sat, 10 January 2009
The NAMM 2009 show is one of the highlights of the Bliss year and an event every gear-loving guitarist needs to pay attention to. Pipes and PT take a look at what they are excited about at the show and what you have to look forward to in 6SB coverage.
Sun, 4 January 2009
PT and Pipes countdown their top 5 albums of the last year! If you are looking for some great music, or just want to see if your favorites made the list, listen on, dear Blistener.
Fri, 26 December 2008
Pipes and PT discuss the topic of guitar competitions. Classical guitar competitions are very common, but where’s the rock guitar competitions? Are guitar competitions the wave of the future or a distraction from the true joy of music?
Sat, 13 December 2008
Pipes and PT count down the list of guitar-related items they would love to see under their Christmas tree in 2008. Hope their loved ones have a lot of spare cash!
Thu, 4 December 2008
Many of the albums released in 2008 have something in common, and Pipes and PT have noticed the pattern. But what does it mean for the future of music? Plus Guitar News, GoW and much more.
Tue, 25 November 2008
Dave Martone returns to Six-String Bliss to discuss his new album, Parker guitars and online guitar lessons. Listen to the interview for some great conversation then check out the album for some of the best guitar playing around.
Mon, 17 November 2008
Pipes and PT are sporting a shiny new theme song courtesy of This week they have TONS of guitar news, and lots of listener feedback.
Mon, 10 November 2008
It's finally here: Stay Tuned, 6SB community's TV theme song cover album. The listening experience begins here, but don't forget to go to to download the album, read the liner notes and see the artwork. And hop on the forum and talk to the artists about their tracks!
Tue, 4 November 2008
Nial McGaughey, President of Solid Cables, joins Pipes and PT to discuss what makes a great cable, the weak points in your signal path and what you can do about it. Plus Guitarist of the Week and tons of Guitar News!
Wed, 29 October 2008
It’s the long awaited album of the month Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band’s Trout Mask Replica. Captain Beefheart and producer Frank Zappa push the limits of popular music and expand the direction of rock for years to come. Pipes and PT share their takes on this challenging yet essential listening experience.
Fri, 10 October 2008
Pipes and PT take a look at the music industry, how it has changed in recent years and where it might be going. Plus, pedals reviews, News and GoW, all in an extra-large guitar podcast.
Sat, 4 October 2008
The West Side Winders have long been a Bliss favorite. Guitarist Dan Peters sits down with Pipes and PT to discuss being a Rockabilly rebel, the West Side Winders and his recent experience in the Guitar Player Magazine Guitar Superstar Competition.
Wed, 24 September 2008
There is nothing we love more than hearing from our listeners. Some emails and voicemails are so great we have to share them. Hear what your fellow listeners are saying including corrections, folklore and somebody building Six-String Bliss pedals!!
Fri, 19 September 2008
Thu, 11 September 2008
Pipes and PT are joined by Troy the Metal Anthropologist to discuss metal, where it’s been, where it’s going and why you should pay attention.
Tue, 2 September 2008
Pipes and PT discuss all things tuning. Are you in tune? How do you get there? How close is close enough? What are your tuning options? Plus reviews of the Coffin Case Blood Drive, some of the pedals in Amplitube Metal and much much more.