Six String Bliss: The Guitar Podcast

It's here at last! The highly anticipated Trans Genred album project makes it's debut on the airwaves. Pipes, PT, and Pappy turn over hosting duties to Bliss Army General Alicia Searcy and the Bliss' Black Ops Specialist Clint Searcy for almost two hours worth of music and commentary. This project, with eighteen songs from nine countries, breaks all kinds of records for SSB albums and is sure to have Blissners talking about the contributions for some time to come!

Listren to the podcast today and be sure to download your copy of the album beginning 10/26/10 at


Direct download: Episode_210B.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

What do we do when our favorite bands change direction? Do we dare to follow?  Can a band change direction without leaving their fans behind?  The boys discuss.  Plus, Tad Kubler as GoW!

Direct download: 6SB_209.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09pm EST

Pipes ponders whether he might in fact be The Man, the boys get a dispatch from Pappy and get a little freaky with the GoW.

Direct download: 6SB_208.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:01pm EST

PT’s on the road.

Pipes is busy paying for his amp.

But where is Pappy?  Tim from Milwaukee knew… do you?

Pipes ponders his perpetual GAS.

The guys discuss wearing guitar shirts.

Pipes and PT hit to share some of the best guitar stories from the last month or so.  Be sure to check out to stay up to date on all your guitar news.

GoW: John Petrucci

Discuss the episode on the forum, email us at or give us a call at 815-570-9749.

Direct download: 6SB_207.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST